Argenti - Silver


"Putto trionfante"
"Putto's triumph"

Argento, oro, pietre dure; fine '800
Silver, Gold, hand stone; late 19th century

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"Coppia candelieri"
"A pair candelsticks"

Roma, argentiere Francesco Colein
1'800 circa
Rome, silversmith Francesco Colein
19th century

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"Silver Lion and Malachite"

Russia, '800
Russia, 19th century

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Birmingham 1816
Argentiere Samuel Pemberton
Birmingham 1816
Silversmith Samuel Pemberton

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“Calamaio in argento”
“Silver inkstand”

Londra 1749
Argentiere Wm. Cripps
gr 720
London 1749
Silversmith Wm.Cripps

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"Sugar Bowl"

Novara, 1830c.
Argentiere Giuseppe Rossini
Novara, 1830c.
Silversmith Giuseppe Rossini

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"Sugar Bowl"

Parigi 1760
Paris 1760

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Francoforte A.M., XVII sec.
Frankfurt A.M., 17th century

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“Scatola con orologio”
”Box with watch”

Roma XX secolo
Orologeria Hausmann
Rome 20th century

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Valigia e beauty case
Argenti bollati anni ‘30
Suit end beauty case
Silver mark 1930

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